Monday 9 April 2012

Gotta start somewhere


This is a spin-off blog, a 'son of' blog.  The original mikegetscooking is primarily about my time at Pampered Chef and just some of the strange food related thoughts that happen to pop into my mind.

I won't try to explain now, have look, you'll get the idea.

This blog was a thought in the back of my mind for ages, years probably.  I've seen loads of cook books aimed at students (I'm dad to three of these creatures) and some of them are completely off the wall.  There is great, simple, basic and affordable advice out there.  But some of the advice and recipes have clearly been written by yummy mummies with a slightly inflated idea of what a student budget can be.

So time to put my head on the block. Maybe I'll do no better, we'll see.  The plan is, obvious and simple advice with obvious and affordable food ideas. So nothing flash and yes - just to repeat myself - this will be obvious stuff.  But sometimes, that's the best place to start.

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