Tuesday 10 April 2012

Left over rice? Would you like some toxins with that..?


Leftover rice?  Yum yum.  How often do you get the munchies urge after a session, particularly when you eventually wake up, wander into what the letting agent for some reason described as a kitchen and you see it staring right back at you. Last night's leftover takeaway.  There's still a bit of chicken lurking in the Rogan Josh and at least half a container of multicoloured rice with your name on it.  It's calling you, you know you want it. Go on. Have it!

It's been left out all night (and now most of the following day you lazy...) so no one else has bagged it. A quick breakfast, lunch, whatever.

Stop. Stop right now. Read the top tips page or enjoy a significant dose of food poisoning.  Leftover cooked rice can be a disaster waiting to happen.  

Have your coco-pops instead. You'll still have your rice and it's a damned sight less risky while you watch your milk go brown.

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