I can't cook!


Oh yes you can.  Cook that is.

Now look, maybe you've not been that successful in the past, maybe you've, somehow, for reasons that can't be explained, even managed to make a complete state of heating up a tin of baked beans.

It takes a bit of practice - not much - a tiny bit of organisation and a slither of common sense. We'll start simply because that's the best way.  But you CAN cook. It might take a little longer than a boil in the bag fish finger, but it will almost certainly be a damned sight cheaper in the long run for you, if only you'd take the plunge and cook from scratch.

I'm not a chef, a cook or anything else like that.  I'm like you - someone who needs to eat and microwaved rubbish is very often overpriced cack.  Look at the home page from time to tilme andc check out what posts fall under the I can't cook label down the right hand side of the blog.

We'll get there. One step at a time.


This is a brand new blog.  So new there's nothing much here yet , as you can see for yourself.  I will get stuff on here sharpish - just bear with me.  Until then there'll be the occasional Home Page bit or why not visit the mothership:   mikegetscooking.blogspot.com

Thanks,  Mike

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